Lisa Ennaoui


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uterus affairs

The piece “uterus affairs” displays the much discussed image of mothers in society. There are certain demands upon women who become mothers, mothers who are still women and women who stay women. The two dancers, both mothers themselves, dive into a discussion of what they should be, could be and want to be. Rooted in HipHop-, Funk- and Club-Cultures, their dynamic movements, changes of tempo and usage of contrasts reflect multilayered realities of women. The dancers were inspired by daily commodities, rhythms and movements of parents to portray the experiences and emotions of a life with children and to dive into different dimensions of female personalities.

The piece premiered in June 2023 and was created on behalf of ada Studio und Bühne für zeitgenössischen Tanz Berlin.


Choreography and dance: Laura Kassé, Lisa Ennaoui

Dramaturgical support: Gabi Beier

Photocredits: Aïsha Mia Lethen